Monday, October 25, 2010

Subject teachers and multimedia courseware

Abstract: This paper discusses the subject in teacher education and teaching in multimedia courseware existing problems and to solve these problems some effective ways to measure academic teachers described the need for independent production of multimedia courseware, the advantages and problems with relevant measures to solve. Aimed at the broad subject teachers understand the current education situation, efforts to improve the sound of modern teaching professional level.

Key words: problems on teachers of Multimedia Courseware

Modern education and teaching process and increasingly close ties of multimedia courseware, multimedia computer, multimedia courseware and other modern teaching new things in the application of modern education to improve education quality for playing an increasingly important role, but we should also clear Recognizing the urgent need at present there are some problems. We all know that even the best software, the performance of the most advanced multimedia computer, which itself does not have any educational effect, only when they are with the teaching content, teaching objectives, teaching organization, teaching methods linked, its entire significance and educational value can be demonstrated. Therefore, as the organizers and perpetrators of teaching the subject teachers, their status and role is irreplaceable. Currently, large-screen presentation focused on CAI teaching model is the main mode of teaching themselves by the design and production of multimedia courseware for teaching a more favorable secondary effect. It contains a teacher's educational thought. Reflect the teacher's creativity, combined with the teaching styles of teachers and teaching personality, and the computer form a complementary, in order to achieve optimization of classroom teaching.

1, multimedia courseware important role in teaching

Multimedia computer instruction must be carried out with the teaching goals, course content is closely related to the support of multimedia courseware. We usually put the theory in teaching under the guidance of teaching objectives, teaching strategies used to perform a specific task of teaching a computer program designed as educational software, referred to as multimedia courseware. Multimedia courseware to handle text, graphics, images, animation, audio, video, comprehensive ability. It focused on the film, television, slide projector, tape recorders and other advantages of teaching media, but also the characteristics of human-computer interaction. We know that teaching is essentially the help of teachers teaching the media content to the students to spread the process of teaching. Multimedia courseware in teaching, improving the teaching of media expression and interactive. The content of the media show more specific, more conducive to the spread of knowledge. Thus, in the media's help, teachers disseminate knowledge easily accepted by students. The students also can receive timely feedback, adjust the teaching content through timely, individualized, so that the orderly conduct of teaching. Therefore, the multimedia courseware for teaching the process of optimization, play an important role.

Second, the current common problems of multimedia courseware

1, courseware can not reflect the teaching styles

Multimedia courseware in the elite few, a number of multimedia courseware, but pirated textbooks, that is, the disc of the text materials. This courseware package because of the textbooks. Easier circulation, distribution, but often can not reflect the teaching styles and characteristics, in fact only an electronic reading.

Teachers want to make effective teaching to improve teaching effectiveness and student ability, classroom teachers must be made with computer multimedia teaching complement each other, to further strengthen the activities in teaching the dominant role, so the teachers to actively participate in multi-media teaching to the computer, Subject teachers should simply use the courseware more gradual transition into their own hands Courseware ranks, subject teachers personally produce multimedia courseware, teachers can fully reflect their teaching style, so better give full play to the advantages of multimedia teaching, to the classroom Optimization of Teaching.

2, closed Courseware

The key multimedia courseware, not courseware, no matter how good the hardware is only vase. Currently, the main source of multimedia courseware are: First, the computer company to market the material library or educational software CD-ROM, such a wide range of courseware, in using the process of selection is generally based on the needs of teaching from the use of the content for teaching; Second, the education sector organizational strength by China's current system of curriculum development and design of a more multi-media courseware; 3 organization by the school teachers and computer teachers, subjects, according to the actual teaching will need to develop small-scale, targeted, non-systematic multi-media courseware, such multimedia courseware is to address the most important and difficult teaching designed. Multimedia teaching in the classroom can be optimized to play the role of universal and depends largely on the quality of courseware, courseware that is educational, scientific, artistic and technical and other. Courseware can be seen from the source, most courseware prepared by professionals, good, so that upon completion of courseware, it closed with a specific teacher in the classroom teaching activities, it is difficult to re-edit to suit their current teaching activities.

3, courseware and adaptation of the lack of scientific

As the courseware closed, determine the student's freedom of courseware can not answer questions very limited adaptability, considerate of students concerned is out of the question. Further rapid development of multimedia courseware is up in recent years, an application software, its teaching is still in the infancy stage, the priorities of multimedia courseware missing, multimedia courseware for teaching strategies for science and the relevance of teaching content with sexual problems also exist.

4, other: the unity of the execution paths, the program implementation process of the monotony, interface design, personalized, student feedback on issues such as lack of intelligence.

Third, the current discipline problems teachers

1, multimedia courseware presentation of specific content issues

Multimedia teaching tools is only a secondary teaching methods, and it certainly shows the contents of the only play a supporting role, rather than classroom teaching Record. In fact, many teachers in dealing with this issue shows a blindness, the presentation of content in addition to other ancillary information, most of it is teaching Record, which is to design a class began to tell what, say what specific problems What is the correct answer, so subject teachers only as a member of role playing, students are only under the leadership of teachers in academic subjects, teachers in the secondary task to complete broadcast. Using multimedia in teaching, multimedia display should be the students do not understand, not some background material on information, explanations or some music, or are thinking, development issues or comic, or some reading material contrast and so on, using its full range of audio-visual effect, while the arrangement in question should also have gradient, depth and breadth, rather than a superficial glance to see the students out of the question. Because the full range of audio and visual effects can mobilize all the students thinking mechanism, can more easily resolve some of the original intractable problems, which problem difficulty, the breadth of the set should be higher than usual, a large number, does not help students to think otherwise.

2, emphasis on hardware development, teacher training neglect

Most subject teachers can not control the operation and use of information technology, there is no change in the traditional educational theories and concepts, information, teaching quality and efficiency is not high, information technology, and academic courses with no real together, man-machine system The building has not been given sufficient attention, teachers often use information technology equipment, helpless, from the independent design and production of multimedia courseware is still a considerable gap, which need further work for Education and other departments concerned, in particular, is a subject related to training of teachers, more teachers, we need to actively work hard to learn the general subject knowledge, to improve their design and production of multimedia courseware capacity.

3, subject teachers, the use of multimedia courseware design and poor knowledge

Currently, the city most subjects teachers use multimedia courseware design and less aware of the relevant knowledge, the contact time is shorter, multi-media teaching practical principles of courseware design, scientific principles, object-oriented principles, and effective design of multimedia information such as a principle is not systematically and comprehensively; the effective use of multimedia courseware using the principle of Qie Ruqia when the principle of guiding principles for teachers, the feedback principle, the same principles of integration of the principles of non-system, not comprehensive. Both also impede production of subject teachers, the use of multimedia courseware and teaching a major stumbling block to further improve results. Subject teachers should study more relevant theoretical knowledge, to further improve the sound itself.

4, subject teachers the feasibility of multimedia courseware

Multimedia courseware development and application of hardware and software environment and the support of multimedia material production tools to produce multimedia courseware and the distance we have been getting closer, both the computer's capacity, speed of the hardware environment, software or courseware to support conditions compiled in recent years have a number of key breakthroughs. With the development of multimedia computer technology, increasingly easy to use computer operating system, multimedia authoring software continuous graphical, visualization, application software development simplified so that more and more difficult. In particular, instrumental writing software to support the text, graphics, images, audio, video, etc., according to the system prompt, enter the courseware structure, course content and related data, to complete a simple, content rich, illustrated multimedia courseware, while does not require complicated programming, so the general subject teachers may be qualified for the job.

But when the teachers new to Courseware may experience many of the past are not familiar with new technologies, new techniques, new terminology, and practices and terminology of these technologies in different books and different occasions and variations, that is, not only the need for multimedia courseware material to integrate a variety of formats, but also in the minds of these new technologies, new techniques, new terminology integration - this is precisely the multimedia features of the current stage of development. So these new technologies, new techniques and new terminology for the subject teachers, the first sounds very strange, but in the multimedia environment, because material production simplification and integration of multimedia courseware, these new technologies, new techniques and The new terminology is not difficult to understand and operate. You just determined to try it, it will be a new, impressive, and also "dynamic" environment to attract creative, and slowly become familiar with and better understand the post, we can produce multimedia meet their teaching needs courseware. When in the classroom to use their own handmade multimedia courseware for teaching and succeed, you will find yourself personally meet the teaching needs of multi-media production of courseware is not difficult.

5, multimedia courseware produced by the subject teachers to the advantages of

1, subject teachers, teaching objectives can clearly understand the curriculum focus, and difficult

Subject teachers teaching in a course, most of them targeted teaching, the teaching in the target-oriented process, the subject of teaching teachers to know where the important and difficult. Another student characteristics as subject teachers, learning, teaching methods and other factors, by the master. Such teachers courseware design and production process will be goal-oriented teaching, the curriculum focus, or traditional teaching is not easy and difficult part of the course content is made clear from the multimedia courseware. So by the subject teachers to produce their own multimedia courseware can fully reflect their teaching style of teachers, targeted, targeted, these include teaching ideas and teaching material in the small courseware, teachers use in the classroom teaching process, teachers according to their own circumstances and understanding of options and combinations. It can be said to provide teachers with a teaching resource database, you can also say that this is a lesson planning system. This teaching resource more useful, more vitality.

2, subject teachers, the use of easy to grasp the opportunity and skills courseware

As a supplementary tool for multimedia, it will be inserted in the classroom to use, which there is a question: What time is the best time to demonstrate? Psychology, education tells us that the attention of students because of age, the impact of psychological differences, showing a kind of fugitive, that is not concentrated. And teaching a class related to any act of will disperse the students attention, such as teachers, clothes, speech, the moment the weather changes, not to mention the superb audio-visual multimedia. Thus, the multimedia presentation should be cautious. It requires teachers to be broadcast in time, place, and the point, do demonstrate the convergence of broadcast natural, smooth, just right. When necessary, teachers should unconsciously come to the machine next to the music played, the screen appeared, immediately after the completion of closure. In fact, many teachers in the demonstration ignored this important issue, make presentations and demonstrate teaching non-existence of a gap or a cold market, students have to stop thinking, observation of teacher-to-machine open and close the action. This "blind spot" so coherent a few scattered into the classroom and affect the teaching. The problem with the operating skills of skilled teachers, whether or not related, but another big reason is that teachers ignore the teaching of the principles of psychological causes or teaching, it should pay attention. Multimedia courseware in order to play a greater effectiveness of teaching, teachers should know how to flexible application in the classroom teaching of multimedia courseware. Subject teachers in the process of compiling the courseware, the design idea of the lecture is very clear and unequivocal that the courseware in the teaching role, and how to use time consistent with classroom teaching. Subject teachers on their own courseware produced a direct means such as support, to fully play the role of multimedia courseware in teaching. Can be seen, the subject teachers directly involved in courseware production, reducing the number of intermediate links, which greatly improve the accuracy of the courseware, practicality and effectiveness.

3, subject teachers are the main force of multimedia teaching

Subject teachers to achieve at a high level of modern education technology to achieve higher levels of education are optimized to achieve high quality education plays an important role. For the multimedia classroom teaching, the subject teachers to carry out multi-media teaching is based on their computer to learn, master and apply as the prerequisite. Education teachers understand the subject of the most thorough understanding of teaching practice, but also the most profound assessment and interpretation of modern educational thought, if another master of multimedia courseware for computer editing and production, subject teachers is bound to become the main force of multimedia teaching.

6, subject teachers help of multimedia teaching improvement ideas

1, to strengthen theoretical study and improve awareness of reform

Multimedia courseware for teaching theory is based on traditional teaching and learning theory, instructional design theory, psychological theory has been widely used in courseware designers of courseware development, courseware demonstrate the integration of educational theory and, using the teacher only mastered theoretical knowledge before they can be better understood and its combination with live courseware. Therefore, to find appropriate multimedia courseware and educational theory point of integration, the key is thinking of updating subject teaching.

2, collaborative team building to enhance the database

Currently, the city has an initial relatively high quality with a team of courseware design team, but the designers still among the basic independent exploration stage, without reservation, if the complementarity between the designer, the exchange of experiences, to develop a unified standard interface, interface design meets the design is simple, with a harmonious color, the font used in focused interface design appropriate button location and easy to understand the principles of icon design, play a team strength to tackle the problems, I believe there is no insurmountable difficulties. Education is the construction of the city's Municipal Planning Education Network to introduce the teaching of multimedia network system design, is a more feasible way to improve. Multimedia Network System is a major advantage of sharing teaching resources, teacher preparation in the teaching process, from the collection of text, maps, sound and image media material to the production of courseware, online and either terminal can receive service support, online teaching resources for teachers free selection of the design to optimize teaching and provide favorable conditions. Characteristics using two-way transmission networks, the production of materials deposited at any time can "Teaching information base." Teachers according to their understanding of classroom feedback, select the appropriate clips, any adjustment of the classroom use of the order of the relevant information.

3, optimized media, to play the leading role of teachers

CAI used in teaching is the inevitable trend of historical development, but the teacher's leading role in the classroom can not be weakened. Whether the production of courseware or courseware implementation, participation by teachers, and teacher-led regulation agile spot or not, determines whether the flexibility in the implementation of classroom teaching, teachers must be clear where CAI use, when to use , how to use, to what effects, in order to truly achieve the overall optimization of the computer for teaching to improve the quality play. Teachers should understand the multimedia courseware in the classroom does not exclude the conventional teaching media, and the advantages of multimedia courseware flexibility in teachers, through the optimal combination with conventional media, get to play vividly.

4, to improve the quality of teachers, strengthening the demonstration, training

Computer aided instruction to master certain knowledge, is the age requirement for teachers. Our teachers will be used not only to multimedia courseware for teaching, and I too should know the preliminary knowledge of computer operations, in courseware design plan on the first as far as possible consideration of possible variations, it is reasonable to set multiple paths, choose teaching content. Water play to break the way the design process to add multimedia material available in the network, at any time in the classroom need to access, reflect the teaching of wit and skillful use of the computer.

Multimedia technology for teaching, is a general trend, the historical necessity, conditions are good region has a fairly large scale, and received very good results. But the multimedia technology to optimize teaching must also give full play to the leading role of teachers, subject teachers, teaching ideas and methods, mature, and if further control the operation of computer technology and multimedia courseware design and production, will inject more for multimedia teaching vitality. We sincerely wish to change the general subject teachers, the traditional teaching concepts, injecting new teaching ideas, as soon as possible to participate to the production of multimedia courseware, developed a high-quality multimedia courseware system to optimize the classroom teaching, a large increase in education quality grade, train more excellent creator of the new century.

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